Tuesday, December 22, 2009

It's beginning to look A LOT like Christmas...

And we cant forget the buds. They are so funny when we all get together... you can tell by the looks on their faces how badly they wanted to be there. Thanks boys for playing along! A quick family picture! Meagan and me... Notice the lights in the back.
Ella and Blake all bundled up and ready to go!
Well it has been way too long since I have posted anything. Where has December gone? Seriously this month has flown by! On December 3 we took Blake to the Temple to see the lights. He loved it! He loves to be outside, even though it was pretty cold that night. He just sat back and enjoyed the stroll. We went with our great friends Cam and Meagan and little Ella. Blake and Ella were flirting. It was so funny! Thanks for inviting us friends, we had a great time!
Blake is now 16 months old! What?!? I can not believe it! He is the light and the joy of my life. Everything about him makes me happy! He is starting to say a few more words like... up, on, off, go, mama, dada, and jerry. But he understands EVERYTHING! I love that he loves his daddy so much. He doesn't want me to do much for him if daddy is around. He prefers to have Mitch read to him, bathe him, feed him, you name it. They have such a special little relationship and it has been so much fun for me to watch Mitch teach and love Blake. We love you little man!

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Oh goodness! He is adorable! And his huge vocabulary - kate only says Mama Nana and occasional variations on Dada. But like you said, they understand everything and I understand everything she "says" so why bother to talk??