Hello friends - I am still here! A lot has been going on this summer and because of that I have been a blog slacker! Major blog slacker! Well anyway just to name a few things... we moved to Chandler, I got a promotion, Mitch started a new job, Blake talks up a storm. This summer has flown by. I can not believe that Blake turns two in a couple of weeks. He is growing up so fast and it is exciting but on the other hand it makes my stomach hurt. I am not ready for him to be so big. He is awesome. Every minute that I spend with him I think to myself how lucky I am that he chose me. He has such a sweet personality and is always concerned about others. He is funny too! I can not wait until he talks in
sentences because I am sure he will be cracking jokes all the time! He loves his daddy, his mommy, Pooh Bear, shoes, and keys just to name a few. My favorite thing about him right now is when I say I love you Blake and he says LUV YOU! It is awesome!! I will post more pictures later but the one above is him playing with Mitch's hunting
camo! So stinking cute!!