8 years ago
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Dive in little man! Yummy yummy! We love you Blake. Happy Birthday!! 
He loves this little car! It is an amazing toy!

His cute shirt goes along with the construction theme. Thank you Target!!

Present Time! He got so many amazing presents! Thank you ALL so much!
Great friends! Blake is always happy to see sun glasses!

Blake LOVED the balloons! He was so happy to see them!
People are starting to come and enjoy the food!
I absolutely love this picture! He is soo sweet!
I love his banner. So cute!
Setting up...
My friend Cassy made these cakes for his party! Look how awesome they are! Check out her blog (she is on my sidebar) if you need a cake for any occasion! She is amazing!!
Happy Birthday Blake! He had a birthday party on Saturday even though his actual birthday is on Monday!! It was such a fun day! I know that I have been saying this over and over but I can not believe that he is 1! Thank you to everyone who came to support us and PARTY with us! We love you all!!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Getting my hair cut!
Such a sad face but he really did just fine! And I am so happy with how it turned out! What a big boy now!
Please get me out of here!! But check out the cute hair cut! I love it!
Are we done yet?
Trying to escape!
Quick toy to distract him... Again he loves anything with wheels!!
Such a sad face.
Now the beginnings of being done... He especially wasn't too sure of the clippers.
Close up before she started cutting... I love this picture, he is such a sweet kid.
Still so happy and having so much fun!
He got his special cape. He wasn't too sure about it at first.
Hi Mom and Dad this is fun!!
He was so excited to sit in this cute little yellow car. He loved the steering wheel!
So we took Blake to Cool Cuts for Kids last Saturday to get his first all over hair cut. Now he has had trims in the past but never had an experience with the clippers! Well the pictures will soon tell the story but he started off very excited and then was SO ready to be done. It was so cute! He is such a big kid now...
I can not believe how fast this year has gone by. I have been an emotional roller coaster lately. I get so excited because he is taking his first steps and then I get very teary when I think of how fast it is all going by. Its like I feel as though I haven't had enough time of him being an infant. I was just thinking about how grateful I am that I stayed in with him for the first 5 weeks. Those weeks just belonged to Blake and me. We really got to know each other pretty well. All of those nights staying up to watch Jay Leno and then putting on a late night movie since he was so excited and ready to play. Then we would fall asleep on the couch and cuddle until morning. I just loved every single minute of him. Yes it was hard to adjust to the lack of sleep and the crying but I still wouldn't trade it for anything. I am looking forward to seeing him grow and develop and learn but I still just can not believe how fast it has gone by. I hope he knows how much I love him and how grateful that I am that he chose me to be his mom. I love you little man!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Mr. Fix It
We did it! YEA!! OK so I talk for Blake... but I can not help it he is just too dang cute!
Maybe it goes here?
Whats that?
Look daddy I can fix it!
Blake loves his daddy! He loves to play, to be held by him, and to help him (so he thinks)! I think it is the cutest thing ever! And more than that I love that Mitch loves to have him around to help out! Mitch is such a great dad! This past year has been so fun to watch him bond with Blake. They have such a special relationship and I love it!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
The CUTEST Boy I have EVER seen!
This is his corner... he has claimed it from the time he started crawling. And that little yellow tractor... it goes with him everywhere. Mitch or I will say "Blake where is your tractor?" and then he goes right to it and gets so excited. It is so dang cute!
Check out those teeth! They are about to be joined by two top ones! He is growing too fast!
Hello everyone!
I love this close up picture! He poses for the camera now. He makes me laugh every time he does it!
Aways so happy! He loves to play with water bottles. What a silly kid!
So I know that I am biased... but I think that Blake is the cutest baby boy ever! I can not believe that he turns 1 at the end of this month. This has been the fastest year of my life but also the best year because of Blake. I just love him so much. I love watching him discover new things. I love that I know what he needs and when he needs it. I love that he gets excited every time he sees me. I love that he is such a happy kid. I love that he doesn't get upset when he falls down he just gets right back up and tries again. I love when he talks in a funny language and says mamamama and looks at me like I should understand. I love that he is such a daddy's boy. I love that he spins wheels around and around and never gets sick of it. I love that he is mine! I just love him so much and I thank my Heavenly Father for blessing my life with such a wonderful child. I love you little man!!
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