8 years ago
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Hamburgers, Fries, and KETCHUP!
Quick picture with mommy. I am so lucky to have this little man in my life. He is the light and joy of my life! I love you!!
Put him in the bath right away... now we have a clean little man!
Red ketchup spiked up his hair that night!
I am all done mom! It was so good!
Notice the missing sock! What a crazy kid!
Yes those white things in his mouth are his teeth... You can barely tell they are there because of all the Ketchup!
Hi mom... I am about to make a huge mess!
No one could possibly love ketchup more than Blake. He loves to dip all of his food in it! Except pancakes of course... No really though this kid loves ketchup, especially when he learned to dip fries in it! You can tell that I just let him have at it on Saturday night! He was a hungry little hippo and he made me laugh the whole time he was eating! I love you little man!
Best Friends
Love you friend! Thanks for the girls night out!!
Yes we really are very goofy!
Two girls being SO silly on a late night date out!
You don't often make friends that last a lifetime but I am SO lucky to have found mine. Jenny and I have been best friends since elementary school. I love her. Every time we hang out we have so much fun together. We laugh until we are sobbing and we don't care who is around to see it! You can tell by our bloodshot eyes how hard we had been laughing the entire night! Jenny I love you because you have been my friend through every moment that has mattered in my life. You never judge and you always care! You are a wonderful example to me of how a friend should be and you are truly Christlike. Thank you for your example and for loving me all this time! You are my bestest good friend!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Mariah Carey!!
Here we are leaving the concert. It was such a fun night and thanks again!!
Camera's weren't allowed in the theater so I had to snap a quick picture and put my camera away fast. Britney and I decided that she looks like a Disney princess... HAHA
Quick picture while we were waiting for her to come on... We got rained on after dinner so we are still a bit wet!!
Our tickets... the concert was at Dodge theater.
Last night I got to go to the Mariah Carey concert with my good friend Britney! She had an extra ticket and took me with her! It was SO fun! Mariah Carey was AMAZING live! She played a bunch of her old stuff and some of her new stuff... very good! Thanks Britney for taking me I had a great time and it was SO fun hanging out with you!!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Trip to Oregon
Time to go home now. I missed you little man! On the way home he cuddled up next to Mitch and slept most of the way. He is so cute and we just love him SO much!
Look how cute these boys are... Blake is so little. I love it!
Thanks grandpa for letting me drive! I am having so much fun!
Blake must have been in heaven when they went out on the boat! He loves to drive!
Blake and his cousins Aidan and Ross. They are all so cute!
I don't know who is happier? Grandpa or Blake?
Look at all these cool buttons I can push!
Hi mom... I am such a big kid sitting in my own seat on the airplane!
Back in the end of January Mitch and Blake took a little trip to Oregon to visit Grandpa Greg. It was Blake's first time on an airplane and Mitch said he was a perfect little kid. He didn't cry from the air pressure change and he sat in his own seat the whole time! Mitch said everyone on the plane loved him and he was being so cute and fun! I was so glad the airplane ride went well because I was a nervous mom back at home! I asked Mitch to take lots of pictures and he captured some pretty cute ones. It was the first time Blake met grandpa Greg and he seemed to have a great time!
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